The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 12/14/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 12/13/2020 2:38:07 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

JCM 12/14/2020 5:50:54 PM
Kosh's Shadow 12/14/2020 6:57:55 PM
I think they're starting to take us to the re-education camps. Only JCM and I are left.
@PBJ3 12/14/2020 7:11:03 PM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: I think they're starting to take us to the re-education camps. Only JCM and I are left.

I was able to evade them.

Kosh's Shadow 12/14/2020 7:36:07 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 3:

I think I escaped because the local transit authority cut back on commuter rail service.

@PBJ3 12/14/2020 7:45:23 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4:

At least you escaped!

Kosh's Shadow 12/14/2020 7:52:29 PM

It is hard to believe the person who wrote these words

In derelict sidings, the poppies entwine
With cattle trucks lying in wait for the next time

is a Jew-hater. But the song is nice, anyway. Jukebox

Occasional Reader 12/14/2020 8:26:16 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 6:

Perhaps he meant for those lyrics to be an instruction manual rather than a warning.

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