The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 02/09/2021 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 2/7/2021 3:23:48 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

turn 2/9/2021 5:41:25 PM

turn 2/9/2021 5:48:39 PM

Reply to turn in 1:
I picked up that new toy for Pappy at the 99 cent store today, it’s already been chewed into pieces. The only toy he hasn’t been able to destroy so far is a Kong Ball but we lost that one on the way to the river somehow. Best I can figure is he dropped it out of the car window.

buzzsawmonkey 2/9/2021 5:51:17 PM
A little music.
turn 2/9/2021 5:54:48 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 3:
A little more music, in tribute to Mary Wilson who passed today.


Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2021 5:56:40 PM

Reply to turn in 2:

Some company made a ball that would make different noises as it was moved around. It was made for kids, but sold well for dogs.

When the person who created it was asked how he felt about it being used as a pet toy, he said it was great.

If someone bought it for a child, and it broke in a year, they wanted it replaced.

If they bought it for a dog and it broke, they'd buy another one.

turn 2/9/2021 5:56:52 PM

Reply to turn in 4:
She passed on Monday, my bad

turn 2/9/2021 6:01:15 PM

In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: If someone bought it for a child, and it broke in a year, they wanted it replaced. If they bought it for a dog and it broke, they'd buy another one.

Heh Dogs were good for their business! The first thing these labs destroy in a toy is the squeaker, they are relentless about it.

JCM 2/9/2021 6:09:00 PM

Reply to turn in 1:

Good bois!

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2021 6:11:05 PM

Reply to turn in 7:

This was a hard ball, with probably something metal inside that hit other metal devices that made sound.

We've had dogs get the squeakers out. New ones are designed not to be dangerous.

turn 2/9/2021 6:11:59 PM

Reply to JCM in 8:
Most of the time, thankfully :.)

buzzsawmonkey 2/9/2021 6:16:09 PM

In #7 turn said: The first thing these labs destroy in a toy is the squeaker, they are relentless about it.

They destroy the squeaker?  Toss Brian Stelter to them.

turn 2/9/2021 6:21:37 PM

In #9 Kosh's Shadow said: We've had dogs get the squeakers out. New ones are designed not to be dangerous.

I worry about them swallowing pieces of the toys they chew up but a bigger worry is to watch them from a distance chewing and trying to swallow nearly whole salmon heads they find this time of year along the American. Plus the more I chase them to take them away the faster they try to swallow without even chewing them. The big one there has learned to simply walk out into the river to prevent me from stopping him. I guess I’ve been lucky so far, other than horrible farts nothing worse has happened yet.

turn 2/9/2021 6:24:06 PM

In #11 buzzsawmonkey said: Toss Brian Stelter to them.

I wish I could, along with all the other CNN talking heads!

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2021 6:24:27 PM

Reply to turn in 12:

Ours can't catch anything. A rabbit ran right by one, could have stopped to say "Eh, What's Up, Dog" before it ran off, and this one wouldn't have caught it,

The invisible fence helps - the wildlife gets away.

turn 2/9/2021 6:35:27 PM

In #14 Kosh's Shadow said: Ours can't catch anything. A rabbit ran right by one, could have stopped to say "Eh, What's Up, Dog" before it ran off, and this one wouldn't have caught it,

That’s another of my river concerns, Pappy has learned to sniff out Jack rabbits and he’ll chase them until he’s clear out of my sight. If he keeps this up there is a chance he may lose me, or I him. Plus the other day he chased a coyote quite a ways. I’m torn, I like them to enjoy being off the lede but it’s bound to create a problem some day.

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2021 6:38:15 PM

Reply to turn in 15:

We had a standard poodle - fairly tough. But when he heard a coyote, he'd run to the door and whimper!

turn 2/9/2021 6:54:16 PM

In #16 Kosh's Shadow said: We had a standard poodle - fairly tough

Very good watchdogs, and incredibly smart. The neighbor down the street has one named Buster. He adores me, I greet him on his walks all the time but when he is behind their gate he won’t let me anywhere near without growling ferociously at me.

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2021 7:02:57 PM

Reply to turn in 17:

Poodles are very protective. Ours are all miniature now, though.

Bad night tonight, or I talk more

Occasional Reader 2/9/2021 7:25:35 PM
Howdy.  Had a few friends over for pizza n’ beer (no beer for me, I’m on Oxycodone), which was nice.  My knee is doing reasonably well, following today’s “procedure”.  Looking forward to... more sleep.  Took tomorrow off work.
Occasional Reader 2/9/2021 7:59:22 PM

You may have seen this by now, but anyway, I do think it’s quite funny. And it’s also “too good to check“, as to whether it is authentic or just a set up.

Kosh's Shadow 2/9/2021 9:01:48 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 20:

One of our dogs often jumps onto my wife's chair during hearings via zoom

A judge said "When the animal appears, it is time to end the hearing"

Occasional Reader 2/9/2021 9:12:30 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 21:


Good night.

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