The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 02/23/2021 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 2/21/2021 2:00:43 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

buzzsawmonkey 2/23/2021 5:01:24 PM
In #49 Kosh's Shadow said: Al-Zaru not only accused Israel of planning to “burn monasteries and churches” and “destroy” Islamic holy sites; he also says Israel will “bomb” the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Hot ziggety! Baked Al-Aqsa desserts for everyone!

Kosh's Shadow 2/23/2021 5:08:04 PM

In #1 buzzsawmonkey said: Hot ziggety! Baked Al-Aqsa desserts for everyone!

Are they related to bombe pastry?

buzzsawmonkey 2/23/2021 5:11:23 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2:

Probably, but I'll need some eclair-ification on that...

Kosh's Shadow 2/23/2021 5:23:05 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 3:

I tried searching, but I found muffin

turn 2/23/2021 5:33:51 PM

In #4 Kosh's Shadow said: I tried searching, but I found muffin

Me too, until my fingers wore out. Hurts, donut?

turn 2/23/2021 5:37:43 PM

Round for the house on turn 🍺🥂🍷🍹🥃

(I had my annual physical today and everything checks out! I lost 8 pounds in the last year and my BP was 120/69 wooot!)

@PBJ3 2/23/2021 5:40:47 PM

Reply to turn in 6:

That's great news.  Thanks for the drink!

turn 2/23/2021 5:42:55 PM

In #7 @PBJ3 said: That's great news.  Thanks for the drink!

Yours is a martini!

Kosh's Shadow 2/23/2021 5:46:40 PM

I have no idea how suddenly on a shelf my old Boy Scouts luminous Pocket Planetarium showed up.

An envelope with 2 3x5 cards with luminous dots. 4 sides - summer and winter skies for north and south.

Copyright long before I was born, 1948

@PBJ3 2/23/2021 5:47:12 PM

In #8 turn said: Yours is a martini!

Yes, still my favorite!

doppelganglander 2/23/2021 6:03:45 PM

Reply to turn in 6:

Fantastic! I raise a beer in your honor.

Kosh's Shadow 2/23/2021 6:09:14 PM

In Thunderball, Bond is trapped in a centrifuge until the woman lets him out.

I thought the lines should have been:

"How are you, James?"

"Stirred, but not shaken"

@PBJ3 2/23/2021 6:15:00 PM

In #12 Kosh's Shadow said: "How are you, James?" "Stirred, but not shaken"

They would have been great lines!!

JCM 2/23/2021 6:23:37 PM


Wait for it.

Kosh's Shadow 2/23/2021 6:53:22 PM

These are the people Biden wants to suck up to?

UN: Questions over whether Iran's shooting down of Ukrainian plane intentional

EVEN THE UN has their questions about Iran - and when the UN blames a country other than Israel, it should require some notice

Agnes Callamard, the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, told reporters she had found no concrete evidence that the targeting of the plane was premeditated and intentional.

But she added that "inconsistencies in the official explanation and the reckless nature of the mistakes have led many, including myself, to question whether the downing of flight PS752 was intentional."

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