4/5/2021 5:15:33 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1: Nice jukebox!
4/5/2021 5:17:31 PM
Coming up 1 seed (3) ranked Baylor vs. 1 seed (1) ranked Gonzaga.
4/5/2021 5:32:21 PM
Regarding my comment in the earlier thread, I have absolutely no use for a fat-faced gayboy half my age telling me what is or is not "hurtful."
4/5/2021 5:40:22 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5: He's going to pitch a hissy and probably get you fired.
Kosh's Shadow
4/5/2021 5:42:24 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5: Welcome to gulag
4/5/2021 5:46:17 PM
In #6 doppelganglander said: He's going to pitch a hissy and probably get you fired.
Possibly. I've already been reappointed for next year, but I suppose that can be revoked.
4/5/2021 5:56:04 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 8: You bet it can. Honestly, while I'm sympathetic to your outrage at being forced to submit to attempted brainwashing, I think your tone is more confrontational than necessary. He's not going to understand or care about your discussion of the 19th-century demimonde but he'll be highly insulted. You could have made your point without attacking the instructor personally.
4/5/2021 5:58:47 PM
For what it's worth, fatface gayboy was yapping about "stereotypes" today. I said to him---and the assembled minitude---that when I was driving a cab in Chicago in the early-mid '70s, the black cabdrivers told me to never, under any circumstances, pick up a black fare. Were they "racist?" Well, no---they were black, too. And they said that one should not pick up a black fare because cabbies live on tips---and blacks don't tip. Not always, but overwhelmingly. Furthermore, they'd take you out to hell and gone to a place where you didn't dare pick up a fare, and would have to deadhead back to the "earning area." "Stereotypes?" Well, maybe---but that's the way the world works.
4/5/2021 6:00:30 PM
In #9 doppelganglander said: You could have made your point without attacking the instructor personally.
Maybe. But I am damned sick of wokies and I don't need the money, though I'd like to keep the position.
4/5/2021 6:06:02 PM
In #9 doppelganglander said: attacking the instructor personally.
If I'd wanted to "attack the instructor personally" I'd have asked him: a) Were you ever thrown out on the street by your parents in the clothes you stood in, simply for "being homosexual?" b) Were you ever "gay-bashed" and in fear for your life on that account? c) Have you ever had to do something debasing, like selling blood for eating money, because you were estranged from your family? d) Have you ever risked anything, physically and/or professionally, for your supposed "homosexual advocacy?" I may yet do that. I'd be interested in fatfaced gayboy's responses.
Kosh's Shadow
4/5/2021 6:27:43 PM
Hmmm- I can't see youtube comments any more. Can't think of anything I posted to deserve that
Kosh's Shadow
4/5/2021 6:30:25 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 13: Can't see them on a different browser on Linux, either. Might be a youscrewed problem
4/5/2021 6:35:24 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 13: That's crazy. I don't recall anything you've shared being inappropriate in any way.
4/5/2021 6:40:24 PM
In #9 doppelganglander said: You could have made your point without attacking the instructor personally.
I don't understand how I "attacked the instructor personally." I attacked the substance of his argument, yes---but that is not attacking him. A fine point, maybe, but still a distinction.
4/5/2021 6:40:25 PM
Kosh's Shadow
4/5/2021 6:40:50 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 15: Given it is occurring on an unrelated system, I think it is a youtube problem. But who knows? Maybe my Passover song parodies were a problem.
Kosh's Shadow
4/5/2021 6:42:46 PM
In #16 buzzsawmonkey said: I don't understand how I "attacked the instructor personally." I attacked the substance of his argument, yes---but that is not attacking him. A fine point, maybe, but still a distinction. But if he/she/it took it as a personal insult, you are guilty. Anyone who is hurt by something wins. Unless they are a Jew. Then they can be called a N*zi, etc. even if they take the Paliterrorist side.
4/5/2021 6:42:48 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 18: Hopefully it is a You Tube issue, however, I can see the comments.
4/5/2021 6:49:21 PM
In #19 Kosh's Shadow said: But if he/she/it took it as a personal insult, you are guilty. Anyone who is hurt by something wins. Unless they are a Jew. Then they can be called a N*zi, etc. even if they take the Paliterrorist side.
Maybe. But a) I don't need the money, and b) if he wants to try and out-fag me---if you'll pardon the expression---he's got a few surprises in store.
Kosh's Shadow
4/5/2021 6:59:58 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 21: Welcome to the Woquisition. No one gets actually burned, because of the CO2 emissions.
4/5/2021 7:05:29 PM
Somebody has to push back against this crap. I don't really want to, but I can, at this point, afford to.
Kosh's Shadow
4/5/2021 7:16:52 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 23: Since I can't afford to, it is good I don't have to.
4/5/2021 7:39:39 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 12: I'd pay good money to watch you do that. His expression would be priceless. I'm sure he's read about that sort of thing, but younger people really don't understand what it was like for previous generations. Now you practically get a ticker-tape parade for coming out as gay or trans.
4/5/2021 10:24:36 PM
I'm probably a bad girl for saying that "I would like to have been a 'fly on the wall' in #21".
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