4/7/2021 5:12:54 PM
If someone buys you a drink, and you don't buy one for him, does that mean you're drinking a loan?
Kosh's Shadow
4/7/2021 5:17:52 PM
Apparently, George Clooney is filming a movie in various parts of Massachusetts, "The Tender Bar", which reminds me of the old joke: A termite goes into a bar and asks "Is the bar tender here?" Live on a street where they are filming, and you have to hide your car unless it is from the 70's
Kosh's Shadow
4/7/2021 5:18:58 PM
And after all that, I feel like I just want to go to sleep for a while. Haven't been drinking that much, but tired from a long day debugging. So I might drop off in a while.
Occasional Reader
4/7/2021 5:22:15 PM
In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: A termite goes into a bar and asks "Is the bar tender here?"
I don't get it.
Kosh's Shadow
4/7/2021 5:24:50 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 4: I can't believe you don't get it but I'll be annoying and explain it Bar made of wood; termites eat wood; termite wants to know if the wood is tough or easy to eat And of course, bars have a bartender
4/7/2021 6:05:36 PM
In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: And of course, bars have a bartender
Spike Jones: Jones Polka
Occasional Reader
4/7/2021 6:56:57 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 5: Oh, geez. I can't believe I didn't get it, either.
Occasional Reader
4/7/2021 7:36:49 PM
I am out for an evening stroll. I just passed a guy who was out walking his dog. Nobody else on the street, but of course the guy is wearing a mask. It’s just ridiculous.
4/7/2021 8:02:22 PM
If I make the tenth comment, do I win the Coveted Stuffed Bear?
Occasional Reader
4/7/2021 8:06:02 PM
Mmmm.... stuffed bear....
4/7/2021 8:10:51 PM
Just by the way...the wokies are trying to shift me from my current Wokie Bromide Re-Education sessions to a different session. I told them that I do not care to switch---that the bromides will remain the same, and the current schedule suits me---and that if the statement by our instructor/moderator that "all opinions and experience are valid and to be listened to" was not mere vaporing, then the occasional utterance of a contrarian opinion would seem to be most appropriate, though I would undertake to avoid discomfiting the instructor for the remaining sessions.
Occasional Reader
4/7/2021 8:14:27 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 12:
In expressing your ungoodthink, you are literally committing literal genocide! Literally!
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