Kosh's Shadow
4/11/2021 5:28:30 PM
Kosh's Shadow
4/11/2021 5:31:49 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 1: A service person at our car dealer used to have a Dog Shaming calendar. I remember one. "I couldn't catch the rabbit, so I ate the rabbit poop" - that's what ours do. One really wanted to get a rabbit, but it ran right by him and by the time he moved it was beyond the fence. It could have stopped to say "Eh, what's up, Dog?" and still gotten away. So he eats rabbit poop when we don't get to stop him.
Kosh's Shadow
4/11/2021 5:33:38 PM
My musical soundtrack tonight is Leonard Cohen, Songs of Love and Hate, which a reviewer should come with razor blades. However, that is hard to do with digital versions (I have the CD, though, and it did not come with razor blades) I will not inflict the soundtrack here.
4/11/2021 5:34:44 PM
"Frustration" is spending hours looking for an essential paper---NOT finding it---but, just as a teaser, finding a DIFFERENT essential paper I was looking for 2 months ago.
Kosh's Shadow
4/11/2021 5:38:41 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5: Physical or on the computer? (I find the best way to find something on the computer involves Linux. I believe the utilities are available on a Mac, and are with Windows Linux Subsystem, but are not exactly easy to use.)
Alice in Dairyland
4/11/2021 5:40:03 PM
Well, the neighbors "F**k Biden" banner was gone this morning when we got up. I haven't had a chance to talk to them yet so I don't know if it was stolen or they removed it. Will be interesting to find out if they took it down and if they did if it was voluntary or they were persuaded by someone.
4/11/2021 5:41:25 PM
In #3 Kosh's Shadow said: So he eats rabbit poop when we don't get to stop him.
Our dog Darby who passed away in December of 2019 used to eat our cat's poop if we didn't stop him. It's gross! We have a friend who had to re-home a dog of his for that behavior and some other really troublesome problems. In the newspaper ad our friend added "Not a finicky eater". LOL
Alice in Dairyland
4/11/2021 5:43:20 PM
Didn't you just do this with something else last week? I believe it was JCM who advised you to look in the last place it should be and you'd find it right away. Good luck.
4/11/2021 5:43:50 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 6: Physical. Not that I haven't had frustrating losses on the computer, too---but this was (is) a paper bill showing a particular charge. Annoying as hell.
4/11/2021 5:44:13 PM
In #7 Alice in Dairyland said: Will be interesting to find out if they took it down and if they did if it was voluntary or they were persuaded by someone. Indeed it will be interesting.
Kosh's Shadow
4/11/2021 5:44:21 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 8: We had a coprophage. We had to watch her carefully. Great for finding poop we missed. 6 lb dog who epitomized the term "bitch". Even a 50 lb dog would not think of challenging her for her food. But she danced like she wanted to mate with him, and he looked at her like "WTF, you're the size of my head!"
Kosh's Shadow
4/11/2021 5:44:54 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 10: THis is why we scan everything important
Alice in Dairyland
4/11/2021 5:45:57 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 8: Our dog had a beard. We could always tell where he was because he'd come upstairs with litter bits stuck in his beard. We finally gave up worrying about it and just referred to them as "litter treats'.
Kosh's Shadow
4/11/2021 5:47:15 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 11: I expect the "Trump 2024" flag I saw yesterday will be there for a while. All the houses around with bronze and gold stars.. I live in a redneck town. Lots of retired military. The only BLM sign is on a house built for railroad workers and is low-rent.
Alice in Dairyland
4/11/2021 5:50:27 PM
In #15 Kosh's Shadow said: I expect the "Trump 2024" flag I saw yesterday will be there for a while. I think it's going to be pretty faded by then. It will look like they are waving the white flag in surrender! Hopefully they bought a few of them and can replace them as needed.
4/11/2021 5:57:15 PM
In #13 Kosh's Shadow said: THis is why we scan everything important
I didn't know it would be important at the time.
Kosh's Shadow
4/11/2021 5:57:44 PM
Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 16: I just hope it isn't declared illegal by 2022, never mind 2024 I'm afraid we'll have committees deciding who can run, like in Iran
4/11/2021 6:01:29 PM
Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 14: Our dog didn't have a beard but sometimes he'd have a little bit of litter on his muzzle. We were lucky that he was never prone to kissing.
4/11/2021 6:08:14 PM
*urp* Steaks on the grill, new red potatoes sauteed in butter with a little butter, green beans light steamed.
4/11/2021 6:19:32 PM
Reply to JCM in 20: Yum.
Occasional Reader
4/11/2021 6:40:05 PM
Little OR is in bed. So now I get to spend the next hour or so drafting a polite reply to an organization that has sent a lengthy paper to my employer, clamoring that was reorganize major aspects of our business along super-woke lines, and asking what our timeframe might be for implementing their demands. I'd like to reply "f**k off", but I can't, so instead it has to be more along the lines of "how about... never? Does never work for you?"*
__________________ * Hat tip: A New Yorker cartoon I recall from the mid-90s, showing an executive delivering this line over the phone while flipping through the calendar on his Filofax. Hey, remember Filofaxes?
4/11/2021 6:53:56 PM
I just found out that our daughter is in the hospital and they don't yet know what's wrong. Her significant other is with her. I no longer drive freeways.
lucius septimius
4/11/2021 7:02:29 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 22: "Your suggestions are very much appreciated. Fuck you very much."
lucius septimius
4/11/2021 7:02:46 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 23: Oh no!
Kosh's Shadow
4/11/2021 7:06:33 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 23:{PBJ}
Occasional Reader
4/11/2021 7:11:39 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 23:
Wishing complete and speedy healing for your daughter, and strength for you and your family.
Please keep us apprised as you see fit.
Occasional Reader
4/11/2021 7:12:18 PM
In #22 Occasional Reader said: clamoring that was we reorganize
Alice in Dairyland
4/11/2021 7:57:16 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 23: Hope everything is okay. You'll both be in our thoughts & prayers.
4/11/2021 8:18:22 PM
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. She called me and they are still running tests but we don't know anything yet.
Occasional Reader
4/11/2021 8:46:30 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 30:
I imagine you are in for something of a sleepless night, but do try to get rest. Headed to bed myself, good night and hoping for the best.
4/11/2021 8:48:07 PM
She's going home tonight with two prescriptions but does need to follow up with a specialist and her primary! We are so relieved and thankful that it was not as bad as we feared. Thank you again, my friends.
Alice in Dairyland
4/11/2021 10:06:50 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 32: Good news she's being discharges. Hard as it may be, try to get some sleep. They may need you tomorrow. Good night.
4/12/2021 5:27:02 AM
I'll drop a good morning here while I wait for the Monday thread. Dealing with a coworkers who has good instincts on statistics but keeps forgetting how a mean is generated. So he says he wants to sum up the scores and then divide by the number of students, but he doesn't want to use the mean. *eye roll*
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