The Liberty Pub

Talk Like Shakespeare Day Liberty Pub

Posted on 04/23/2021 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 4/23/2021 4:19:55 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 4/23/2021 4:20:29 PM

From  the morning thread:

Forsooth, bloggers!

In honor of the immortal Bard, on his birthday, 'tis Talk like Shakespeare day (link)

Shouldn't that be "Speaketh liketh Shakespeare"? I guesseth that sounds liketh one hath a lisp.

Kosh's Shadow 4/23/2021 4:27:02 PM

Tonight, we have Bill Clinton as King Leer

and Hillary as Lady MacBeth

Kosh's Shadow 4/23/2021 6:05:45 PM

This thread has taken a bare bodkin.


Alice in Dairyland 4/23/2021 6:14:49 PM

Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.

Actually, tomorrow is the funeral, so I probably won't be back until Sunday.  Have a good weekend all!

Kosh's Shadow 4/23/2021 6:15:00 PM
So, should the donut chain change their name for today to Duncan's?
Kosh's Shadow 4/23/2021 6:15:22 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 4:


doppelganglander 4/23/2021 8:26:55 PM

I'm too tired to talk like Shakespeare. However, I will recommend the Thursday Next series of novels by Jasper Fforde. They depict a time travel alternate history in which it's possible to enter fictional worlds of well-known novels. It's almost impossible to explain but if you start reading, it all makes perfect sense. One of the conceits of the book is that Shakespeare is the world's biggest pop star. Machines called Willspeak dispense Shakespeare quotes for a few pence, and the authorship of "Cardenio" is a hotly contested issue. Thursday is a detective in Jurisfiction who tries to keep order in the fictional worlds. The fourth book is called Something Rotten and Hamlet figures prominently. I know it sounds insane, but if you have even a passing acquaintance with English literature, it's delightful.

doppelganglander 4/23/2021 8:41:13 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 7: if you'd like to try to work it out.

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