The Liberty Pub

Monday Pub,

Posted on 07/05/2021 5.11 PM

JCM 7/5/2021 5:12:25 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 7/5/2021 5:20:58 PM
Little OR is currently scheduling events on his iPad calendar, for January 1, 1 A.D. 🤣
JCM 7/5/2021 5:35:46 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

Watch little OR..... he might just be time traveling.

Occasional Reader 7/5/2021 6:38:08 PM

Reply to JCM in 2:

I imagine Jesus's bris is scheduled in there somewhere. 

Kosh's Shadow 7/5/2021 6:54:46 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

At a bris, the mohel brings the bris kit, and the family brings the brisket

Did you hear of the mohel who collected all the foreskins?  When he retired, he took them to a leather worker.

The leather worker returned with a wallet.

What all the foreskins just made one wallet?

Yes, but if you rub it,  it turns into a briefcase

Occasional Reader 7/5/2021 7:04:05 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4:

Let's not make a mountain out of a... oh, you know.

Occasional Reader 7/5/2021 7:51:19 PM
Good night,
Kosh's Shadow 7/5/2021 9:02:15 PM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: Let's not make a mountain out of a... oh, you know.

A mohel-hill

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