Alice in Dairyland
7/18/2021 5:14:48 PM
Anybody know if this place serves a nice bowl of fish head stew?
Kosh's Shadow
7/18/2021 5:32:25 PM
In #1 Alice in Dairyland said: fish head stew? Of course Jukebox
Alice in Dairyland
7/18/2021 5:35:55 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2: Please don't tell me you eat that too.
Alice in Dairyland
7/18/2021 5:41:51 PM
Sorry, I'm not trying to be difficult. I used to love smoked fish as a child. My mother would pull pieces off and put them on a plate for me. I never had to look at the shriveled up fish. I'm sure if I had seen it, that would have been the end of my eating it. I'm also pretty sure if someone put some on a plate for me (fish unseen by me) I would eat it again.
Kosh's Shadow
7/18/2021 6:08:58 PM
Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 3: There are traditions to eat fish heads at certain times; "Be the head and not the tail" I have partaken a bit at Chabad events.
Kosh's Shadow
7/18/2021 6:12:14 PM
Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 4: I did not like dealing with all the small bones as a child, either. When I was on a business trip to Israel (had some time for sightseeing, too), had a Denis fish - it was served with head on. I ate the rest of the fish, not the head. Some fancy kosher French restaurant in Jaffa that the Israeli group took us to. That was 2000. We stayed at the Dan Intercontinental in Tel Aviv. There was a nightclub across the street, the Dolphinarum, that was blown up about a year later.
Alice in Dairyland
7/18/2021 6:40:30 PM
In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: that was blown up about a year later. That must have been rather unsettling to say the least. One time visiting my husband (then boyfriend) stationed in NYC, I missed my flight home (on purpose, didn't want to leave him). Took a flight the next day. Later found out the first plane had some kind of accident. Ever since then, "never put off until tomorrow..." has never been my motto.
Kosh's Shadow
7/18/2021 6:50:54 PM
Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 7: We never went to the Dolphinarum; was for local young people, but we could have walked by at the wrong time. So many cases of something going wrong and not being involved in a disaster. G-d watches us - we just don't understand why He chooses some people to die and others not to.
Alice in Dairyland
7/18/2021 7:02:27 PM
In #8 Kosh's Shadow said: we just don't understand why He chooses I'm not sure He does the choosing. I kind of think we are given this life and free will. The choices we make determine the course of that life. Choices we make or that others make that affect our life, determine the outcome. Even if you never smoked a day in your life, you somehow "got" that cancer gene. Everything happens for a reason. I don't think He does much altering of that path we have chosen unless He's asked for help, strength, guidance or an outright miracle.
Kosh's Shadow
7/18/2021 7:09:58 PM
Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 9: The question of free will versus some form of predestination is something we cannot understand, at least not now. In Judaism, the simple explanation is we have free choice - but G-d knows how we will choose. That is a fairly simplistic view. We have a hint of it in quantum mechanics, where a system can be in more than one state at a time until a measurement is taken. One interpretation is the many worlds theory, in which all paths are taken. So in one world, you did take the plane; in another, you are not. This all leads to that G-d's logic is not ours. We cannot fully understand Him.
Alice in Dairyland
7/18/2021 7:14:57 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 10: I don't claim to fully understand him, not even remotely. That is why I started my statement above with "I kind of think". I'm sixty-five years old and I've had life figured out many times; only to discover how wrong I was. I'm quite sure I'll never find the answer, but it's fun trying. I always have faith to fall back on.
Kosh's Shadow
7/18/2021 7:23:54 PM
Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 11: We cannot understand G-d. But it is an article of faith in Judaism that He controls everything.
Alice in Dairyland
7/18/2021 7:31:28 PM
In #12 Kosh's Shadow said: He controls everything. That I believe. It's getting late here, I'm two hours later than the timestamp. I think you're an hour later than me and you have to work in the morning. I have to call it a day. It's been nice but I have to wind down here. Our moon is orange here. I wonder if it's from the wild fires out west. Come to think of it, it's been hazy all day. Good night and don't have any of those weird dreams.
lucius septimius
7/18/2021 7:37:11 PM
Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 4: So not a fan of stargazy pie?
Occasional Reader
7/18/2021 8:05:57 PM
Earlier this evening, my little boy and I met a lady who had a cat with her. The lady let my son pet her cat; explained to him that the cat was taking medication because he was sick; and asked for my son to pray for her cat. After thinking about it carefully for a moment, he agreed to do so. I thought this was very sweet.
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