Kosh's Shadow
10/9/2021 5:05:41 PM
Since today's Torah reading was Noah, I thought I'd post a math pun based on it. (Don't worry, there will not be a test and I'll give an explanation) After the waters receded, Noah and the animals were commanded to be fruitful and multiply. Noah and his sons went around to the animals to make sure they were multiplying. Birds? Fine. Buffalo? Fine. Other animals of the field? Fine. But the snakes were not multiplying. Where were the baby snakes? So Noah asked. The snakes told them to bring logs, and they did. Next time, there were plenty of baby snakes. Noah asked why the logs helped. The snakes answered "We're adders. We need logs to multiply" Explanation in a later post for those not well versed in math.
Kosh's Shadow
10/9/2021 5:11:05 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1: Log is short for logarithm. Logarithms have the property that for a, and b, the product ab can be written log(ab) = log(a) + log(b) Thus, multiplication can be performed by adding logarithms, which adders (calculating equipment, not snakes) can be expected to do. This is the way slide rules multiply. More detailed explanation upon request (which I can handle but don't expect)
Kosh's Shadow
10/9/2021 6:12:36 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4: And please take "closing time" to mean that we'll just have 1 daily thread if there are few pub customers
Kosh's Shadow
10/9/2021 6:32:42 PM
Pub for sale. Free. Any takers?
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