The Liberty Pub

Veteran's Day Liberty Pub

Posted on 11/11/2021 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 11/7/2021 3:28:03 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

lucius septimius 11/11/2021 5:05:53 PM
Spent over 8 hours with my aunt the paralegal trying to disentangle mom's finances.  Short story:  she hid assets from everyone, including the executor of her will.
JCM 11/11/2021 5:27:25 PM

Liberated beer, and a Panzerfaust!

Now that's a party!

buzzsawmonkey 11/11/2021 6:01:16 PM
This is the Army, Mr. Jones
buzzsawmonkey 11/11/2021 6:03:19 PM
Good Morning, Mr. Zip Zip Zip
Kosh's Shadow 11/11/2021 6:14:32 PM

The Ballad of Ira Hayes

Iwo Jima

Now we have I Woe jihad

buzzsawmonkey 11/11/2021 6:26:01 PM

This is the hundredth anniversary of the creation of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

If anyone can find the John Dos Passos piece "The Body of an American," at the end of his novel "Nineteen Nineteen," I think they will find it moving.

buzzsawmonkey 11/11/2021 6:27:34 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 6:

Here it is.

Occasional Reader 11/11/2021 8:09:51 PM

In #2 JCM said:

Reminds me a little of Reaganite’s retirement party… in the days of yore.

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