The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 12/09/2021 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 12/5/2021 3:52:19 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

JCM 12/9/2021 5:14:52 PM
JCM 12/9/2021 5:26:43 PM
BEHOLD! A Flaming Sword
doppelganglander 12/9/2021 5:44:17 PM

Weekly meeting with my boss today (paraphrased).

Me: I feel I'm not able to address certain concerns with you because you frequently cancel our weekly meetings.

Boss: Yes, that's a problem.

Co-worker interrupts: Hey, it's time to have our gift exchange!

Boss: Let's discuss this later.

Comment error 475 4
Kosh's Shadow 12/9/2021 6:01:25 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 3:

doppelganglander 12/9/2021 6:30:48 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 5:

Ha! My boss is actually a good guy. The problem is the company has been transitioning since we were acquired by a venture capital company and the headquarters moved from Memphis to Atlanta. He's still based in Memphis and he has way too many responsibilities. The position was somewhat misrepresented to me, kind of a bait and switch, and I never got proper onboarding. I've been assigned piddling tasks that are nothing like what I was allegedly hired to do. So now we're in goal-setting and performance evaluation season and I've been blocked from doing anything that would qualify me for a performance bonus or set me up to do what I was supposedly hired for. 

Kosh's Shadow 12/9/2021 6:34:06 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 6:

If the venture capital company has the initials TB, RUN!

I'll post details in the Frontier

Kosh's Shadow 12/9/2021 6:39:03 PM

In #6 doppelganglander said: So now we're in goal-setting and performance evaluation season and I've been blocked from doing anything that would qualify me for a performance bonus or set me up to do what I was supposedly hired for. 

They are using this book as their management manual

Kosh's Shadow 12/9/2021 6:44:14 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 8:

That book was stolen by Dogbert from Digital Equipment Corporation. Once the #2 computer company, but it turned into #2

(BTW, one of the architects of their best OS, VAX/VMS, moved to Microsoft, and then used all the bad ideas from it and forgot the good ideas; thus NT was born)

Kosh's Shadow 12/9/2021 6:46:10 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 9:

On the flip side, Apple took good ideas from Unix, but then wrapped it in something only the "Genius Bar" is allowed to touch.

I do use Windows, but do a lot on Linux

doppelganglander 12/9/2021 6:54:31 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

Different company. I don't think VC is the problem. 

Kosh's Shadow 12/9/2021 6:56:10 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 11:

Good, Mergers and acquisitions can distract management.

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