The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 01/12/2022 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 1/12/2022 5:00:12 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 1/12/2022 5:09:19 PM
OR, if you are around and want help setting up the next pub thread, just ask. I might not respond instantly, but I will let you know when I am no longer available.
Alice in Dairyland 1/12/2022 6:31:32 PM

Saw this for sale on Facebook Marketplace.  Jill Biden must need money, she's selling her stuff!  It was listed for $19, marked down to $13.  She's must really be desperate.

Kosh's Shadow 1/12/2022 6:45:35 PM
OR, got tired and going to bed. Will reply tomorrow if you ask
Occasional Reader 1/12/2022 7:27:11 PM
Kosh, I’ll be all in on daddy stuff from tomorrow through next Monday.  So next week will be better.
@PBJ3 1/12/2022 7:45:18 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 2:

If I liked her, I might feel bad.

@PBJ3 1/12/2022 7:53:24 PM
Our cat Bella ment well I'm sure but I wasn't over exited about her gift to me.....a dead baby lizard that had sneaked into the house, LOL.  I felt sorry for the little lizard but our cat had a blast chasing it around and she even hit her head on a door when she jumped the little critter.

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