The Liberty Pub

Superb Owl Liberty Pub

Posted on 02/13/2022 3.11 PM

Kosh's Shadow 2/13/2022 3:11:59 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

buzzsawmonkey 2/13/2022 3:57:55 PM

"Whom?  Whom?"

---grammatically correct owl

lucius septimius 2/13/2022 4:30:24 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1:

I miss heavily inflected English.

@PBJ3 2/13/2022 4:36:33 PM

This thread makes me think of Gak. :-(

lucius septimius 2/13/2022 4:39:15 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 3:

How is she?

@PBJ3 2/13/2022 4:57:40 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 4:

I haven't heard anything from her for ages but I'm not a Facebook friend of hers, just a friend from here.  I sure hope she's doing well.

Kosh's Shadow 2/13/2022 5:40:38 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 5:

We need her to come here so we can tell how she is. Otherwise, owl we know?

Kosh's Shadow 2/13/2022 5:43:36 PM

Microsoft asked how pleased we are with backing files up using OneDrive.

If we backed up our files, it would take days.

I responded with the lowest number of stars, and for how Microsoft could help, I said they could pay Verizon to upgrade to FIOS in towns that can't afford it.

I figure we'll retire to using Linux

@PBJ3 2/13/2022 5:55:34 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 6:

Channeling Midwest Gak!

Kosh's Shadow 2/13/2022 6:52:53 PM
The closet I got to any "big game" was the 7 AM dog outing when there was a flock of deer up the hill. One dog noticed them first
@PBJ3 2/13/2022 7:23:08 PM

In #9 Kosh's Shadow said:

Did either dog try to go after them?

Kosh's Shadow 2/13/2022 9:25:02 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 10:

One ran up about as far as the invisible fence let him

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