5/17/2022 5:14:12 PM
Stupid tweet of the day I saw. The formula shortage shows what free market capitalism does, not what the right thinks socialism does. The amount of ignorance, stupid, arrogance packed into that is astounding.
Occasional Reader
5/17/2022 5:19:17 PM
Reply to JCM in 2:
generations have been brainwashed into believing this garbage. Generations.
5/17/2022 5:37:58 PM
It's an Old Russian Custom It’s an old Russian custom When the economy is bad To invade Ukraine and bust ‘em ‘Specially if your first name’s “Vlad.” It’s an old Russian custom To starve them or shoot ‘em dead While the West grabs pearls to clutch them So no more needs to be said.
If civilians should be slaughtered In some urban concentrations Which the former Soviet Union Wants to absorb in its nation Don’t you bother your head, dear Whether it be wrong or right It’s just an old Russian custom And so everything’s all right
---apologies to "It's an Old Southern Custom"
5/17/2022 5:46:27 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 3: The most devious part is the crony-capitalist, quasi-socialist system we have now has been successfully labeled for them as free market capitalism.
5/17/2022 5:58:39 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 4:+++++
Kosh's Shadow
5/17/2022 6:14:56 PM
In #2 JCM said: Stupid tweet of the day I saw.
The formula shortage shows what free market capitalism does, not what the right thinks socialism does.
The amount of ignorance, stupid, arrogance packed into that is astounding. They never learned of the shortages in Soviet Russia.
Kosh's Shadow
5/17/2022 6:15:12 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 4: ++++++++
Kosh's Shadow
5/17/2022 6:41:36 PM
Some LinkedIn messages that are probably not worth my time to reply to. First, a company based in Belarus. Second, a global contracting company's division that is based in India; reviews say basically they treat employees like numbers, and most of those reviews have some idioms used by people from India. And another one that I don't really fit, but ends with a reference to sponsoring H1b candidates. I think the latter two are just looking for white guys to reject so they can bring in cheap indentured H1b servants. Not responding. Have enough going on anyway.
Occasional Reader
5/17/2022 7:31:43 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 4:
Occasional Reader
5/17/2022 7:32:19 PM
In #7 Kosh's Shadow said: They never learned of the shortages in Soviet Russia.
In Soviet Russia, supply chains you!
Kosh's Shadow
5/17/2022 8:29:25 PM
In #11 Occasional Reader said: In Soviet Russia, supply chains you! With real chains
Occasional Reader
5/17/2022 8:58:52 PM
Good night.
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