The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 07/28/2022 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 7/28/2022 3:26:21 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 7/28/2022 4:33:31 PM
Kosh's Shadow 7/28/2022 5:07:40 PM
In #26 buzzsawmonkey said: its having a little bit of a problem with the exhaust system

Sounds like an exhausting drive

buzzsawmonkey 7/28/2022 5:12:58 PM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: Sounds like an exhausting drive

I had a monumental carbon monoxide footprint.

Comment error 475 4
buzzsawmonkey 7/28/2022 5:15:59 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

I've played this record on both sides now...

buzzsawmonkey 7/28/2022 5:30:52 PM
Love the pub name.  Gonna put me in the Pour House...
lucius septimius 7/28/2022 5:43:39 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 3:

You came through Atlanta and didn't visit?  Now I'm hurt.

buzzsawmonkey 7/28/2022 5:47:52 PM

In #7 lucius septimius said: You came through Atlanta and didn't visit?  Now I'm hurt.

Hey, I'm glad I wasn't hurt speeding down the median passed out.  

Anyway, that was back in 1976.  Were you even there 46 years ago?

buzzsawmonkey 7/28/2022 6:05:57 PM
Joe Biden's economic plugs don't work on his receding economy any better than his hair plugs did on his receding hairline.
Occasional Reader 7/28/2022 6:19:41 PM

" I came to driving down the highway median at about 50 mph. "

-Fear and Loathing on the Miami Trail, by buzzsawmonkey

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