Kosh's Shadow
8/5/2022 5:19:13 PM
In #8 doppelganglander said: How fucking stupid is that? The left is so racist, they have to know the color of the person who cooked their meal. Quite racist, since they don't want Aunt Jemima or Uncle Ben doing the cooking
Kosh's Shadow
8/5/2022 5:24:23 PM
I know Buzz won't see this during Shabbat, but I'm putting it all here so I can copy and paste it later. You should be able to get a Thunderbolt to USB hub for $20-30 and an external DVD drive about $40 (get an Asus - one lasted me 10 years, so I got 2 more for computers without DVD drives) Solid state drives can only be written to so many times; they are considered to have a lifetime of 4 years. As for Dictionary, it seems that it can be triggered by a wonky touchpad, as per this article
Kosh's Shadow
8/5/2022 5:30:02 PM
I need a few drinks. Started today with a text message from my bank claiming there was suspicious activity on my debit card (which is tied to a separate subaccount so it can't drain my primary checking account) Called the main credit union number. Nothing suspicious. Over the day, there were two calls to the home phone and two to my cell phone, claiming they were from the fraud department. I called 3 of the 4 times (did not know of one call until much later) On the last call, I was able to read the transcript of the call, and give the caller ID and number I was supposed to call. They did not recognize the number; their fraud department had no notes on it. They did not recognize the phone number. Canceled that card and picked up another on my way home (different number). Their branches can print the cards on the spot. New card worked; no suspicious activity. (Favorite supermarket is in the same shopping center) No calls after that, so I don't know if there was suspicious activity the main customer service did not see, or if it was scammers that found the card was closed.
8/5/2022 7:18:06 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3: Here we go!
Kosh's Shadow
8/5/2022 7:35:00 PM
Reply to @PBJ3 in 5: Thanks. For a scam, maybe Smear-nuff or Johnny Phisher, or Jack Spaniels.... Or the Cabernet of Dr. Caligari (I tried that but I found myself sleepwalking) (Look up the movie if you don't get it)
8/5/2022 7:48:51 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 6: LOL, I found a summary.
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