9/5/2022 5:56:20 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1: Saw that the other day. Heh. The problem with trying to do a "transgender" version of "The Island of Dr. Moreau" is that it's not different enough from today's ordinary society. Dr. Moreau tried to create humans out of animals, and was then trying to arrange it so that the hero would mate with his most-nearly-perfect transformation, to see if "she" would react like a human. It's not that different from the doctors who are trying to make males out of females and females out of males. Then, too, there's the problem that anything of that sort that was less than laudatory towards the whole "transitioning" process would result in the author being hunted like an animal by the "transgender" community.
Kosh's Shadow
9/5/2022 6:11:49 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 2: If Hollywierd tried to do a transgender Island of Dr. Moreau, they'd make the trans be nicer than real women. Now, my wife used to watch (when we had cable) bot America;'s Next Top Model and Ru Paul's show essentially America's Next Top Drag Queen. I undestand the cattiness in the former was emphasized and augmented for the show; the latter I don't know, but the drag queens were far more nasty catty than the women. (Even if the women looked like teenage boys - I was not impressed)
Kosh's Shadow
9/5/2022 6:13:13 PM
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