12/4/2019 5:06:44 PM
The magic of seasons. Long, warm bright summer days that last till late in the evening brief, cold, dark winter days that last into the mid afternoon. chang is constant, predictable, rhythmic and reassuring. we can see, touch, feel and be a part of the wave of nature.
12/4/2019 5:13:56 PM
Reply to Syrah in 2: Fremont is the Seattle neighborhood with the concrete troll under a bridge and a giant Lenin bronze statue. It is a neighborhood of tie-dye hippies and Marxist nostalgia. Very bad politics. Very good beer.
Kosh's Shadow
12/4/2019 5:18:46 PM
Reply to Syrah in 2: Can you see the link button in the editor toolbar? It seems to be mobile-friendly. You can set the link to open in a new window if you can use it.
12/4/2019 5:25:37 PM
Reply to Syrah in 6: ok that seemed to have worked.
Kosh's Shadow
12/4/2019 5:37:16 PM
Reply to Syrah in 2: Beer in space:
One of the experiments launching is from Budweiser — yes, the beer company. This is the fourth experiment that the company is sending to the space station. But why send beer to space? Barley
— which is used to make beer — is a plant that has previously been
studied in germination and gene-expression experiments in microgravity.
This current experiment involves examining the barley malting process in
microgravity. This work could affect how food is produced both on Earth
and in space, according to a video that was shown during the
Kosh's Shadow
12/4/2019 5:38:23 PM
Reply to Syrah in 6: Works fine. This editor works with mobile devices well. Bare didn't have some of the features available in newer components.
12/4/2019 5:43:54 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 10: the yeast in making beer either floats on top or sinks to the bottom, depending on the yeast and the brewing method used. that kind of makes brewing beer in an environment where there is no top or bottom kind of interesting. gravity is so much a part of our life that it is a little difficult to think of what it means when there is no gravity.
12/4/2019 5:54:46 PM
Reply to Syrah in 12: if necessary, we could always employ an centrifugal system for brewing beer in space. How many other biological systems are dependent on gravity? can we really live ina zero g environment? Can we adopt to a 1+ or 1- g world? Is 1 g critical to human health?
12/4/2019 5:57:10 PM
If 1 g is critical to Terran biological life, can we ever escape Sol?
Kosh's Shadow
12/4/2019 5:57:33 PM
Reply to Syrah in 13: We have found significant problems with extended zero-g. NASA has done a lot of research on this.
12/4/2019 6:01:00 PM
How should we describe ourselves to extraterrestrial species? Humans Earthlings Terrans Solarians ‘mericans! Fuck yah! i think we have time to work it out.
12/4/2019 6:04:00 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 15:
I think we should be working on a space station like the one in 2001. A giant wheel that spins. The Babylon 5 stations would be fun, without the shadow problem of course.
Kosh's Shadow
12/4/2019 6:08:17 PM
Reply to Syrah in 14: Yes, as artificial gravity isn't that difficult in a large spacecraft. Centrifugal force is one way, although it does take a large spacecraft to avoid other effects - but then, if we want to colonize other worlds, we need a large spacecraft. I have an idea for a series of stories about an area that was colonized, and the ships now trade between the stars in the cluster. They accelerate at 1g halfway, then turn around (a fun time for the kids in zero g, but a pain for the crew) and then decelerate the rest of the way.
Kosh's Shadow
12/4/2019 6:09:03 PM
In #17 Syrah said: The Babylon 5 stations would be fun, without the shadow problem of course. I suppose I shouldn't take that personally//////
Kosh's Shadow
12/4/2019 6:10:28 PM
I had a dream last weekend that there were aliens that were here to help us - but then I got them to admit "help" in their language meant "enslave harshly" Not quite To Serve Man, but ....
12/4/2019 6:13:16 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 18:
The math for that will be fun. With acceleration and deceleration at a consistent rate of 1g each way, it should be possible to work out a spreadsheet on travel times between systems.
12/4/2019 6:18:55 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 20: it makes for an interesting villain story wise. The aliens want to enslave us for our own good. We, knowing ourselves to be flawed by nature, are easily seduced into slavery.
Kosh's Shadow
12/4/2019 6:24:20 PM
In #22 Syrah said: The aliens want to enslave us for our own good. We, knowing ourselves to be flawed by nature, are easily seduced into slavery. The problem is, leftists don't want to work.
12/4/2019 6:24:43 PM
Reply to Syrah in 22: C.S. Lewis’s caution on the one side. And on the other,... What is the the equivalent for man’s strange preference for slavery? And security? Is that the critical pairing?
Kosh's Shadow
12/4/2019 6:31:49 PM
In #21 Syrah said: With acceleration and deceleration at a consistent rate of 1g each way, it should be possible to work out a spreadsheet on travel times between systems. And if there is enough distance between systems, some relativistic time dilation effects, making for some interesting stories; Jukebox
Kosh's Shadow
12/4/2019 6:31:53 PM
In #21 Syrah said: With acceleration and deceleration at a consistent rate of 1g each way, it should be possible to work out a spreadsheet on travel times between systems. And if there is enough distance between systems, some relativistic time dilation effects, making for some interesting stories; Jukebox
Kosh's Shadow
12/4/2019 6:34:33 PM
In #24 Syrah said: What is the the equivalent for man’s strange preference for slavery? And security? Is that the critical pairing? If we would just "enslave" us to G-d's will, instead of the will of other men.....
12/4/2019 6:48:29 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 27: some questions are difficult to discuss. Words fail. Words are not enough.
12/4/2019 8:40:41 PM
Free will tangles up the puppet strings. Can a puppet sin? If someone else is pulling the strings, who is sinning? can a puppet worship? Do motions and gestures make for worship, or does worship, and sin, require making a real choice?
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