Kosh's Shadow
12/20/2019 6:27:57 PM
Went out for lunch at an Indian place with those in the group who were not traveling. One big difference in gubmit contracting - we split the bill. Boss didn't pay However, he had a vindaloo and a beer, which brought up: this show I cannot find the scene in which Lister says "It takes a lager to kill a vindaloo"
Kosh's Shadow
12/20/2019 6:29:40 PM
The movie Cats came out. Based on the reviews I've read, it belongs in the litter box. Back when it was only a play, wife's friend dragged us to see it in Boston. She is no longer our friend. We hated it. I did, however, find there was something to look at - yes, pussy.
lucius septimius
12/20/2019 6:59:42 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3: My parents took my girlfriend and I to see Cats when I was in college -- this would have been 1984. I remember watching it and thinking "Good God what fresh hell is this?"
Kosh's Shadow
12/20/2019 7:03:16 PM
In #4 lucius septimius said: My parents took my girlfriend and I to see Cats when I was in college -- this would have been 1984. I remember watching it and thinking "Good God what fresh hell is this?" "hell" is a good description.
12/20/2019 9:10:56 PM
Is Hillary Clinton a historical Nexus? 1. Trump is impeached for defeating Hillary Clinton in a a humiliating electoral college landslide by winning states she thought she had in the bag. 2. Clinton is impeached for perjury, suborning perjury and witness tampering to protect himself from the consequences of humiliating Hillary Clinton with the exposure of an affair with an intern. 3. Hillary Clinton is humiliatingly fired from the house Nixon Impeachment investigation team. There seems to be a pattern here. So far, there is no known connection between Hillary Clinton and the Johnson Impeachment after the civil war.
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