The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 01/06/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 1/5/2020 3:57:11 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

JCM 1/6/2020 5:04:05 PM
Leper colony.....

I'm on the down side of the flu bug... #2 son is in the middle of it... #1 son just starting in...


Occasional Reader 1/6/2020 5:52:53 PM

Reply to JCM in 1:

May you and all your hideously unclean family be kept far, far away from us normal people.


Kosh's Shadow 1/6/2020 6:05:44 PM

In #1 JCM said: Leper colony.....

Next thing, you'll be asking for alms for a ex-leper (video)

Kosh's Shadow 1/6/2020 6:06:46 PM
Which reminds me, in my novel, I had those exiled for incorrect thought, called "sore-ass", which was based on tzaraas, which is Hebrew for the spiritual disease mistranslated as leprosy.
JCM 1/6/2020 6:17:46 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

No kidding, sounds awful around here.

Flu is really hitting our area hard a bunch of people worked from home today.

Kosh's Shadow 1/6/2020 6:38:38 PM

Reply to JCM in 5:

I heard some people complaining about the side effects of the flu shot - soreness, someone actually had to go to the hospital, too.

I cannot work from home. Only staff and very trusted contractors can. And only with lab equipment.

So I have to stay healthy.

One place I worked, the official policy was to stay home. The unofficial policy was to drag your ass in there unless you are dead, and then you need a note from your mortician.

EVERYONE there got sick. One sick person would help by grabbing the mouse to show what to do. 

That was the most screwed up place I have ever worked. Everywhere else, they'd try not to infect you.

But I have a non-disparagement agreement so I can't say what airhead place it was.

Kosh's Shadow 1/6/2020 6:41:13 PM

In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: EVERYONE there got sick. One sick person would help by grabbing the mouse to show what to do. 

JCM 1/6/2020 7:20:16 PM

Margaret Thatcher: The Woman Who Saved Great Britain - New Prager U Video

Occasional Reader 1/6/2020 7:44:29 PM

Reply to JCM in 8:

Prager U?!!! OMG, that thing is introducing students to right wing ideas, without being filtered through left academia, the way Gaia intended!!!!


Syrah 1/6/2020 10:10:36 PM

With all of this flu going around, .... I will roast a chicken for dinner. 

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