The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 02/20/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 2/16/2020 10:41:04 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 2/20/2020 5:58:40 PM
Occasional Reader 2/20/2020 6:18:01 PM
Are those ladies laughing with me, or at me?
midwestgak 2/20/2020 6:24:28 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

Certainly laughing at the clever quip you made while passing by toward a nearby seat.

Occasional Reader 2/20/2020 6:27:39 PM

Reply to midwestgak in 3:

That chicken-crossing-road joke works every time.

buzzsawmonkey 2/20/2020 6:54:18 PM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: That chicken-crossing-road joke works every time.

Do you remember the old cartoon---I think it was National Lampoon---that had a chicken and an egg lying next to each other in bed, with the chicken smoking a cigarette and saying, "Well, we've found the answer to that question..."?

Occasional Reader 2/20/2020 6:59:10 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5:


And I continue to insist, the correct answer is “egg“. (I can explain, if you are truly bored.)

buzzsawmonkey 2/20/2020 7:04:56 PM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: And I continue to insist, the correct answer is “egg“. (I can explain, if you are truly bored.)

¿Donde están los pollos nuevos?  Todos están en los huevos.

Occasional Reader 2/20/2020 7:12:33 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 7:

and that is a reference to...?

buzzsawmonkey 2/20/2020 7:19:38 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 8:

Clearly, the egg must precede the chicken if the chicken emerges from the egg.

Kosh's Shadow 2/20/2020 7:30:51 PM

In #9 buzzsawmonkey said: Clearly, the egg must precede the chicken if the chicken emerges from the egg.

And what laid the egg was not exactly a chicken

Occasional Reader 2/20/2020 7:36:53 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 9:

OK, I just wasn’t sure if it was a reference to some old joke or a line from a novel or something. But, yes.

Occasional Reader 2/20/2020 7:37:56 PM

In #10 Kosh's Shadow said: And what laid the egg was not exactly a chicken

Egg-zactly. It was the last Proto-chicken prior to the very last mutation that produced what humans think of taxonomically as a chicken.

Kosh's Shadow 2/20/2020 7:40:49 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 10:

Or we could take the fundamentalist approach and say G-d created chickens who then laid eggs

Personally, I think science shows how G-d created everything.

Amazing how the BIg Bang theory matches Kabbalistic interpretations

buzzsawmonkey 2/20/2020 7:42:39 PM

In #13 Kosh's Shadow said: Amazing how the BIg Bang theory matches Kabbalistic interpretations

What came before the Big Bang?  The Big Date.

Kosh's Shadow 2/20/2020 7:43:26 PM

But when did Super Chicken get laid?


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