3/1/2020 5:42:25 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2: +++++++ I always wondered who "Miss New Orleans" was...
Kosh's Shadow
3/1/2020 5:45:37 PM
Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 3: Years ago, I would listen to music at work through computer speakers. I was listening ti Billie Holliday, and I had a VP tell me to turn it up Company (PictureTel) is long gone, though.
Kosh's Shadow
3/1/2020 5:53:18 PM
In #4 Kosh's Shadow said: Company (PictureTel) is long gone, though. I think the companies I worked for that no longer exist is much more than the companies I worked for that still exist At least 5 no longer exist, and some others in a different form. I appear to be a corporate jinx
Kosh's Shadow
3/1/2020 5:54:43 PM
In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: I appear to be a corporate jinx Or maybe if they kept me around; they'd still be around, too. Naaah (Theodoric of cork, medieval software engineer.)
Occasional Reader
3/1/2020 5:56:44 PM
Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 5: Not counting summer and part time jobs from when I was student, all of the companies/entities I’ve worked for still exist. Of course, they number only 3.
Kosh's Shadow
3/1/2020 6:14:55 PM
In #7 Occasional Reader said: Higher Order Software, founded by two people who analyzed why the Apollo software had problems. Gone (I was onen of their cash cow contnractors) QEI, gone. Same deal. (But now I am a contractor at the same place, MIT Lincoln Labs - over 35 years later) Digital Equipment Corp. Once the #2 computer company in the world, all turned to #2 Paragon Imaging. Now under a different name and owner PictureTel. Bought by Polycom, created by those who left PictureTel Comverse. Now bought by Verint (which I found out when trying to figure out my 401(K) And that's just a start.
3/1/2020 7:03:44 PM
2nd Corona Virus death in Washington State. i see from the twitter rumor mill that the panic shopping is starting.
3/1/2020 8:30:09 PM
Reply to Syrah in 9: I don't tweet but I look at Twitter Search #BREAKING. OMG, four out of five tweets are about the virus. It is a dangerous virus but we need to keep our wits about us and pay a little more attention to cleanliness, etc. Earlier on #BREAKING it was all about how many casualties Turkey had had, etc., and some thinking the Assad government is in trouble. Refugees from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia are trying to get into Europe via Greece and I read a tweet that said some of the Greek Army had shot at the refugees.
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