The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 03/04/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 3/3/2020 5:24:59 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 3/4/2020 6:12:35 PM
  Buzz, I want in on that bet!
JCM 3/4/2020 6:31:55 PM

*cough* *hack* *sneeze*

I'll have a Corona.

Sorry I'm so SICK!

Of the local media coverage of Corona.

Occasional Reader 3/4/2020 7:01:07 PM

In #2 JCM said: Of the local media coverage of Corona.

Is it "Women, Minorities Hardest-Hit"?  

Kosh's Shadow 3/4/2020 7:07:06 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

Many years ago, National Lampoon did a Sunday newspaper parody, from "Dacron, OH"

Headline was "Japan destroyed in earthquake disaster", subtitle "Vacation ruined for two Dacron women"

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