The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 04/01/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2020 1:21:05 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

buzzsawmonkey 4/1/2020 5:07:27 PM
This is a job for...Supermarket!
Syrah 4/1/2020 5:10:16 PM

I have noticed a lot of landscapers out working during this shutdown. 

Occasional Reader 4/1/2020 6:13:25 PM

Reply to Syrah in 2:

Me, too.  Also, builders.

Kosh's Shadow 4/1/2020 6:35:00 PM

Came back from outside in the zombie apocalypse.

Now all I can say is



lucius septimius 4/1/2020 6:49:21 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

They were doing some work on one of the houses they're building in the neighborhood but for the most parts the sites are empty, which means I'm not awakened by Norteño music at 7 AM.

Occasional Reader 4/1/2020 6:59:38 PM

In #5 lucius septimius said: Norteño music

You mean like “the battle hymn of the republic“?


Kosh's Shadow 4/1/2020 7:10:50 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 6:

The Ballad of Harry Lewis

Kosh's Shadow 4/1/2020 7:23:46 PM

In #7 Kosh's Shadow said: The Ballad of Harry Lewis

He was trampling through the warehouse where the drapes of Roth are stored.....

One of the worst puns in the history of parodies

Kosh's Shadow 4/1/2020 7:26:03 PM
Kosh's Shadow 4/1/2020 7:39:28 PM
Another jukebox
Kosh's Shadow 4/1/2020 7:42:08 PM

Actually, in today's zombie apocalypse, it isn't brains they are looking for


Occasional Reader 4/1/2020 7:43:18 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

Originally, of course, “John Brown’s Body”; but according to Mark Steyn, it was not actually originally about *that* John Brown.

Syrah 4/1/2020 7:43:48 PM

A side note about the big naval operations against drug trafficking. 

A ship at sea is de facto quarantined. 

keeping the ships at sea with a task to do, such as harass drug traffickers, keeps them out of harms way from the Wuhan plague. 

It is also bad for the drug traffickers. 

It keeps most of the sea based military in a high state of readiness.

the ground based military, air-force and army, have to weather this by diligence and luck. 

Kosh's Shadow 4/1/2020 7:49:40 PM
Another one - the Buzzsawmonkey of the day writing a song with Herman's Hermits
JCM 4/2/2020 3:08:23 PM
This will really help.

Pelosi creates new House committee with subpoena power for coronavirus oversight

Impeachment in 3... 2...

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