The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 04/05/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 12:59:54 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 5:19:06 PM
Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 5:19:32 PM

In #1 Kosh's Shadow said: Jukebox

And a parody

Song for those idiots who want to party instead of keeping social distancing

What good is sitting alone in your room?

Come, get COVID-19

Live is a cabaret, old chum

Come get COVID-19

Put down the cellphone, facebook and Instagram

It’s time for a holiday

Life is a cabaret, old chum

Come get COVID-19

Come have some wine

Come hear the band

Come blow your nose, start suffocating

Right this way, your virus is waiting

What good’s permitting some prophet of doom

To wipe every smile away

Life is a cabaret old chum

So come get COVID-19

I used to have a girlfriend known as Elsie

With whom I shared four sordid rooms in Chelsea

She wasn’t afraid of coronavirus

As a matter of fact she’d let anyone hire us

The day she died the neighbors had been listening

“Well, that’s what comes from not enough social distancing”

But when I saw her laid out on the bier

I couldn’t help but shedding many a tear

I think of Elsie to this very day

I remember how she’d turn to me and say

“What good is sitting all alone in your room?

Come hear the music play

Life is a crap shoot, my dear

So some, get COVID-19

And as for me, and as for me

I made my mind up when I got out of isolation

When I go

I’ll find another recreation

Start by admitting from cradle to tomb

It isn’t that long a stay

Life ain’t no cabaret old chum

It sure ain’t a cabaret, old chum

And I stay safe any way!

Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 6:06:14 PM
No one wants to come to the cabaret Liberty Pub
buzzsawmonkey 4/5/2020 6:10:27 PM

In #3 Kosh's Shadow said: No one wants to come to the cabaret Liberty Pub

Call me a cab (aret)!

Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 6:11:47 PM

In #4 buzzsawmonkey said: Call me a cab (aret)!

No cabs, just Uber and Lyft

Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 6:12:32 PM

In #4 buzzsawmonkey said: Call me a cab (aret)!

You're a cab (aret)!

Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 6:14:50 PM

Buzz, what do you think of my song parody? Hits too hard? 

Some verses were easy - only a little needed to be changed

I particularly like

The day she died the neighbors had been listening

“Well, that’s what comes from not enough social distancing”

buzzsawmonkey 4/5/2020 6:28:09 PM

In #7 Kosh's Shadow said: I particularly like The day she died the neighbors had been listening “Well, that’s what comes from not enough social distancing”

That was my favorite section, too.   I suggested to the GF that when we walk abroad here in Plague Town that we carry a tape measure and each hold one end of it, to prove to all and sundry that we are "distancing" properly.

Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 6:30:51 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 8:

I understand the guideline in Florida is to stay an alligator distance apart.

buzzsawmonkey 4/5/2020 6:41:59 PM

In #9 Kosh's Shadow said: an alligator distance apart

How do they do that in gatored communities?

Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 6:49:32 PM

In #10 buzzsawmonkey said: How do they do that in gatored communities?

They just say See you later.....

Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 6:56:26 PM

Which reminds me of this jukebox:

That's Kroc with a K, like crocodile but not spelled that way

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