The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 04/06/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 1:01:02 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 4/6/2020 5:05:01 PM
Kosh's Shadow 4/6/2020 5:13:54 PM

In #1 Kosh's Shadow said: THIRST!

See that bear lappin' up that good old country water?
Sure makes a big hairy guy like me thirsty


buzzsawmonkey 4/6/2020 5:33:51 PM
Caveat:  I picked up this link over at WZ, and know nothing about the site, but it appears to have a number of clips of people checking out the "overwhelming" of hospitals in NYC and elsewhere and finding...nothing, or next to nothing.
Kosh's Shadow 4/6/2020 5:41:06 PM

In #3 buzzsawmonkey said: Caveat:  I picked up this link over at WZ, and know nothing about the site, but it appears to have a number of clips of people checking out the "overwhelming" of hospitals in NYC and elsewhere and finding...nothing, or next to nothing.

That's because Trump personally came by and dumped all the old people in the East River.

Once this is over, they'll have the Soylent Green factories back in operation to take them.

/////////[do I need to?]

If I didn't have a (possibly sick) sense of humor, I'd have gone fucking nuts a long time ago.

Kosh's Shadow 4/6/2020 6:08:25 PM

In #4 Kosh's Shadow said: I'd have gone fucking nuts a long time ago.

And fucking nuts is very painful. They are just too hard with those shells......

Occasional Reader 4/6/2020 7:25:37 PM

I was out for an evening walk about an hour ago here in northwest DC; during the course of which I saw a half-dozen or so rabbits, and one coyote.

The rabbits aren't at all unusual; the coyote is, a bit.  I've seen them before on DC streets at night, but not for quite a while.  I suspect that with fewer people and cars around in general, the animals are coming out to play more. (And I've read of the same happening in other cities.)

Syrah 4/6/2020 7:39:07 PM
Are we all dead yet?
JCM 4/6/2020 7:40:22 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 3:

How come we're not seeing any data from the hospitals?

How many patients coming into the ER?

How many admitted to the Hospital?

How many for COVID?

How many for other issues?

How many set home?

I'm curious about the last one.

How many people showing and getting sent home because they have a cold or allergies?

The numbers just aren't adding up.

Syrah 4/6/2020 7:40:48 PM

It is Spring out here on the left coast. 

Blue skies. Mild day time temps.

Syrah 4/6/2020 7:47:18 PM

Reply to JCM in 8:

i think the west coast may, just may, be past the worst of this thing.

I think our comparatively low population density has made a huge difference. 

If we open everything back up but maintain social distancing”, I think we could be good.

the big east coast cities are a different matter. Their density and high reliance on public mass transit may be a big factor in their relatively high infection rate compared to the west.

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