5/20/2020 5:24:38 PM
Worth the time!
Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words A few prompting questions from an off screen voice. Thomas talking about his life, with relevant photos or video clips. We'll done just Justice Thomas who is a great story telling and a voice for it.
lucius septimius
5/20/2020 5:33:08 PM
It's kind of odd being on Central Time again -- I'm just finishing up making dinner and all you east coast types are already headed out to the (virtual) bar.
Occasional Reader
5/20/2020 6:27:58 PM
So. The rumor is that DC schools won't get back to normal school schedule until NEXT FREAKING YEAR.
I've already got a drink, thanks.
lucius septimius
5/20/2020 6:33:20 PM
Reply to Occasional Reader in 3: Thank God I live in a Red state.
Kosh's Shadow
5/20/2020 6:39:43 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 4: We have a RINO governor, and a Democrap legislature. Massachusetts RINOs make other RINOs look Republican. But we are opening up again, slowly. No word at work about going back to work on site, though. Looks like it will be slow, which is good. I have to go in, and I really cannot stand wearing a mask for long. (Allergies, hard to breathe, etc.) and I can only not wear one if I'm alone in the office. If the other person in my office comes back, it will get difficult.
Occasional Reader
5/20/2020 6:42:36 PM
Reply to lucius septimius in 4:
If the rumor is true, I have no idea what DC-area employers (like my own) will do. If they try to reopen, it'll be utter fucking chaos, with employees trying to figure out what to do about child care. So far my own employer has given no indication of when we're going back to the office. Little OR's mom says that the unofficial word is that her own workplace will be teleworking until next spring, which I find insane, but at least (if true) offers the option of her taking weekdays with Little OR and me taking weekends, if my work opens and hers doesn't. But I do NOT like that idea; we're doing great - and most importantly, Little OR is doing great - with our week-by-week custody sharing arrangement. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, says I. And yes, I just poured myself another strong Belgian beer.
5/20/2020 7:30:34 PM
In #1 JCM said: Worth the time! Yes it is! Thanks for posting it, JCM. Considering the unbiased presentation, it's hard to believe PBS produced it.
5/20/2020 7:55:47 PM
Reply to midwestgak in 9: I was very pleasantly surprised. The Antia Hill part is presented, from Thomas' perspective. No editorializing. I did enjoy watching Biden and Kennedy squirm when Thomas called them a lynch mob.
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