The Daily Broadside


Posted on 10/14/2024 5.00 AM

JCM 10/13/2024 5:08:05 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 10/14/2024 5:40:16 AM

In yesterday's #5 Kosh's Shadow said: Columbus was a Sephardi Jew from Western Europe, study finds “We have DNA from Christopher Columbus, very partial, but sufficient. We have DNA from Hernando Colón, his son,” Lorente said in the program. “And both in the Y chromosome (male) and in the mitochondrial DNA (transmitted by the mother) of Hernando, there are traits compatible with Jewish origin.” Well, the Woke Inquisition will REALLY be after Columbus now.
While there is a part of me that is suspicious that we can know exactly which DNA molecule goes with which heritage, it's very cool to think he was Jewish. Why? I can't explain it. I just think it's cool. 

But yes, the woke will go even more guano crazy than they are now.

vxbush 10/14/2024 5:49:35 AM

Another person tried to get close enough to Trump to shoot him at his rally in Coachella, California. Local sheriff's department was in charge of a checkpoint and stopped the man there with several weapons and several passports (which is not mentioned in the story above, but that is what my husband told me yesterday). 

So: why was he released on bond? Is he not a threat to the president? 

vxbush 10/14/2024 5:55:46 AM

Drones are showing up in the oddest places--but it's only odd if you don't think about Chinese intelligence wanting the information that the drones discover: 

[A] student from the University of Minnesota, Fengyun Shi, was parked outside a shipyard where nuclear submarines were being built as well as the Navy’s newest generation of the Ford Class aircraft carrier.  

The student asked for help from nearby residents because his drone had gotten stuck in a tree. One resident called the cops who wanted to know why Shi was flying his drone in such nasty weather. They suggested he call the fire department.

Instead, Shi took an Amtrak to Washington, D.C., and then flew on to Oakland.

Meanwhile, his drone fell from the tree where it was stuck. That's when federal investigators got a hold of it and discovered what the drone had been doing. Shi had "photographed Navy vessels in dry dock, including shots taken around midnight. Some were under construction at the nearby shipyard," reported the Journal.

Just a student. Right. Quoting from the Wall Street Journal the author links to: 

On Jan. 18, federal agents arrested Shi as he was about to board a flight to China on a one-way ticket. Shi told FBI agents he was a ship enthusiast and hadn’t realized his drone crossed into restricted airspace. Investigators weren’t convinced but found no evidence linking him to the Chinese government. They learned he had bought the drone on sale at a Costco in San Francisco the day before he traveled to Norfolk.

U.S. prosecutors charged Shi with unlawfully taking photos of classified naval installations, the first case involving a drone under a provision of U.S. espionage law. The 26-year-old Chinese national pleaded guilty and appeared in federal court in Norfolk on Oct. 2 for sentencing.

vxbush 10/14/2024 6:00:45 AM

I'm not a fan of Meghan McCain, but this quote is absolutely spot on: when Harris tried to tell people that John McCain thought she was going to become a great senator, Meghan seriously doubted it and eventually said: 

 “I also think it’s just very strange that Democrats can’t get any other way to prove their bipartisan bona fides other than bringing up a dead senator,” Meghan said bluntly. “Like, have you done nothing else in your life?”

That is going to leave scorch marks. 

vxbush 10/14/2024 6:01:55 AM
Says the guy with how many homes? Liar: Biden Tells Hurricane Victims He Knows What It's Like to Be Without a Home
vxbush 10/14/2024 6:02:55 AM

Report Reveals Hamas Tried to Persuade Iran to Join Oct. 7 Attack

Well, in a way they did....they funded Hamas and then they had Lebanon starting bombing. It just took them a bit longer.

vxbush 10/14/2024 6:19:03 AM
"What we see is so hard to see that we lose faith or a vision of those things we cannot see but must know." 
vxbush 10/14/2024 6:27:11 AM
Serious question: how on earth can a school district event attempt to claim that the schools are fine when they having a $100 million budget deficit in single year???? JCM, what is Seattle smoking? Why do these people act like money can be found anywhere? 
vxbush 10/14/2024 6:55:06 AM
JCM, thanks for posting the link to the rocket capture from SpaceX yesterday. That was beautiful. 
JCM 10/14/2024 7:33:10 AM

Reply to vxbush in 8:

Let's start with Seattle Schools just gave the Superintendent a $25K raise. After 5 years of deficit spending.

I've done the dumpster dive in several school district's financials, Seattle being one of them.

In Corporate America it's called General Services and Administration (SG&A), that all the support staff. If a company's SG&A is over 15% the board and stock holders start looking a the CEO funny. SG&A in Seattle Schools is, drum roll please.... 50%.

All the schools complain constantly about classroom over crowding. So I looked into Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Teacher Head Counts. This is worse in urban areas, not as bad in rural. The average class size with one FTE is 28 kids. But you you look at actually head count the FTE to child ration is 1:12. That means for every class of 28 there are really nearly 2.5 FTEs for that class.... or 1.5 FTEs not in the class not doing teaching but other duties and not counted under the SG&A.

A about 5 years ago a school district, rural one, sued WA saying the State was not meeting it's State Constitutional obligation to pay for education. In WA education is a enumerated power of the State.

The decision resulted in a huge influx of cash into the schools. The legislation specified that the money go to reduce class size and hire more teachers. However the school districts used the money to give teachers raises. In my district it was a 24% raise.

The Teachers Union holds out sized power and really runs things. They spend huge amounts of money to pack school boards.

Patty Murray started in my school district on the school board.

JCM 10/14/2024 7:33:57 AM

Reply to vxbush in 3:

Poor ChiComs! Give 'em a break they are just trying to figure out how to keep their subs from sinking at the dock.

JCM 10/14/2024 7:35:50 AM

Reply to vxbush in 9:

That is a genuine game charger for the space industry. I would put it on par with jet propulsion for aviation.

JCM 10/14/2024 7:39:24 AM

Top Oregon official put on leave for allegedly prioritizing 'qualified' job candidates over 'gender identity'

Megan Donecker, who formerly served as the Oregon Department of Forestry’s DEI strategy officer, complained about the agency's management, criticizing her boss Mike Shaw for looking "beyond gender and identity in hiring, seeking only candidates most qualified for the job," OregonLive reported.

Kosh's Shadow 10/14/2024 8:20:39 AM

In #13 JCM said: Oregon Department of Forestry’s DEI strategy officer, complained about the agency's management, criticizing her boss Mike Shaw for looking "beyond gender and identity in hiring,

Well, maybe they hire someone who can't handle a chainsaw but wants to be a woman. Tree standing, but not.....

Occasional Reader 10/14/2024 9:05:43 AM

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day!


/the heart represents what the Aztecs would tear out
Occasional Reader 10/14/2024 9:10:12 AM

In #2 vxbush said:

It seems the guns were in his car, he was not carrying them and trying to get into the rally. The more that comes out about this the less it seems like it was an assassination attempt.

vxbush 10/14/2024 9:24:44 AM

In #16 Occasional Reader said: It seems the guns were in his car, he was not carrying them and trying to get into the rally. The more that comes out about this the less it seems like it was an assassination attempt.

While interesting, that does not deflect from the following: 

  • Multiple, at least 3, passports. 
  • Multiple, at least 3, IDs. 
  • Fake tags on vehicle.
  • Unregistered vehicle.  
  • Claimed fake credentials for Trump rally.  

Those are the items from this link that would give me serious pause about his intentions. As Sundance writes, "There are weird and sketchy people in the world, and law enforcement engage with weird and sketchy people every day." They have sketchy detectors that are far better than mine. 

buzzsawmonkey 10/14/2024 9:47:36 AM
"Christopher Columbus," by Fats Waller.
Kosh's Shadow 10/14/2024 10:26:14 AM

In #15 Occasional Reader said: Happy Indigenous Peoples Day!

I accept that as one of the indigenous people of Israel - a Jew. Even though I don't live there.

Unfortunately, the people who turned the day honoring another maybe Jew, Columbus, don't accept the historical evidence that Jews are indigenous to Israel.

vxbush 10/14/2024 10:34:14 AM

Reply to vxbush in 17:

And now there are other stories coming out claiming this guy is actually a Trump supporter and had been specially invited by the Nevada State GPO party. The plot thickens....but I didn't see any discussion of multiple IDs at that link. 

Occasional Reader 10/14/2024 10:35:50 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 19:

It’s tremendous fun to try to get a “progressive“ to define what he or she means by “indigenous people“.

And you can really blow their minds by pointing out that Nelson Mandela‘s Bantu-speaking ancestors arrived in the area we call South Africa at around the same time that the Boers did.

it’s also interesting to look up the official United Nations definition of “indigenous people“. Insured, there is no definition. They wind up saying that “indigenous people should be identified, not defined”. In other words, the term means whatever we say it means.

Occasional Reader 10/14/2024 10:42:10 AM

In any event, we white people should celebrate this day as well, by performing some of our own wonderful indigenous dances:

vxbush 10/14/2024 12:47:27 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 22:

You go right ahead. I'll be over here watching Gregory Hines. 

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